Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true Americans force their uninsured to undergo deadly medical experiments?

It's really sick and disturbing!Is it true Americans force their uninsured to undergo deadly medical experiments?
Are you going to ask any rational questions at all today? Every one I've seen from you reads like a paranoids diary written under the influence of LSD. Or are you just trying to get famous by coming up with your own conspiracy theory?Is it true Americans force their uninsured to undergo deadly medical experiments?
No, it is not true. The truth is many insured people force themselves to undergo deadly medical experiments via pills they get from the doctor for no good reason. Pill addiction is the new crack in the USA.
No, they just don't get medical treatment, period. Nobody is forced to undergo experiments. Someone said they are legally able to get medical care, above. That's only true in an extreme, immediate emergency in an emergency room. If you have an illness, you are out of luck. They might sew up a wound in the ER even if you don't have insurance, but they'll quickly dump you outside, and then send a gigantic bill to consume the rest of your life. You won't be able to afford the follow-up treatment.

I guess if someone was desperate enough, they might agreet to a medical trial just to get some type of medical care. I knew some kids in college who did. Scary. No telling what was done to their bodies.
No! want even waste my time on this comment.
No even worse, they go untreated at all.
yeah that happens once your in your life is not yours it belongs to the goverment
Actually, that one is true.

Many HIV patients are forced to accept expirimental treatment in order to get proper medical attention.

The pharmaceutical companies are able to pay for better care for their ';subjects'; than the welfare department.

Unfortunately, there are many people that these expirimental medications do not work for and they are no longer the Government's problem...

So even though there is no law that says someone has to accept the risky treatment, many people find themselves forced into it as a last resort.
That's a new one...
Not true at all. Anyone who has ';medical experiments'; preformed on them does it on a voluntary basis and is paid for it.

This applies to testing of new medicines and new procedures/surgeries, etc...

Where do you hear this crap from? No wonder people have such a distorted view of the US.
Yes! How else are we supposed to develop new medicines for our pharmaceutical companies to push on an unwitting populace?
Wow, just wow. Is this what the media says about us in other countries? Yeah, deadly experiments, just like our animals that are uninsured. Good grief people, wake up. I've been uninsured, and it stinks, but there were no deadly experiments. I just had to live with a broken collarbone and having all the ligaments in my knee torn. I still haven't had surgery on either, even though now I am insured. Get a grip.
where are you getting this nonsense stuff from?

first eatin babies, now this?
Matt, actually they don't go untreated. It's illegal. You're as likely not to get treated for not having insurance in the US as you are if you forget your national ID card in canada or europe. in fact, 85% of US hosptials are nonprofits. You should really study up before you harbor so much hatred.

And, Bob J, what meds are you on?--or not on?
No, that doesn't happen on uninsured people who seek medical help. No one can do anything to anyone else if it's against their will in America. Sometimes doctors will test experimental drugs on people who have a disease like aids or cancer and don't have much more time to live. The person has to verbally agree and sign a waiver before the doctor just sticks the needle in them though. And it happens in many other nations around the world. I would guess that most nations that produce medicine test drugs on human beings before and of them go out on the market. Doctors are kind of forced to. Because you can't just test a drug out on any animal and expect it to work on a human. Testing on real people is why we're so close to finding the cure for aids. We're becoming closer to finding the cure to some types of cancer and many other deadly diseases as well. It's not in any way evil because the person has to agree to having the experimental drug inside of them.
Deadly, no. But I did have a friend with an incurable disease and no insurance. He was able to obtain experimental treatment, free of charge. But, your use of the word ';deadly'; is very wrong. His treatment was voluntary and he agreed.

No, the treatment was not successful and he died. Unfortunately, that is sometimes how knowledge is obtained and the intent of the treatment was to search for possible cures, not kill him.

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