Sunday, February 7, 2010

Is it true that the US Health Dep experimented on 400 Blacks with Syphilis in the Tuskegee Experiment?

Yes they did, and they also performed some pretty rotten tests on servicemen with LSD, sprayed germs in subway stations.....etc (not all by the the public health department and not all on African Americans).

Just keep in mind the phrase no one wants to hear

We are from the Government and we are here to help!!!!

%26lt;Grin%26gt;Is it true that the US Health Dep experimented on 400 Blacks with Syphilis in the Tuskegee Experiment?
Yes they did.Is it true that the US Health Dep experimented on 400 Blacks with Syphilis in the Tuskegee Experiment?
The 'experiment' consisted of witholding treatment from prisoners, to get data on the progress of the disease. Though that was a heck of a long time ago, and is relevent today only in the sense of 'learning from history.' Today, prisoners (like graduate students) are only used as medical guineapigs if they sign up for it.
This is a well known fact that the Tuskegee Airmen, a black squadron of airmen, were experimented on and infected with syphilis. Its one of the things that Rev Wright was yelling hopefully some people will understand why he and so many African Americans don't trust this government and why it would be wonderful to have Barack Obama as president to heal the racial divide.
Yes its true (i don't know how many ppl exactly). Yes, when governments engage in such douchebaggery ppl will not trust them and will look for other abuses of power. I don't think they did it to the Tuskeegee people for genocidal reasons. I think that the people who did it valued black people less than other people and also picked poor share croppers (mostly) because they would have little chance to seek other sources of medical help. This doesn't make it any less reprehensible. I guess in a way it makes it more evil because they actually thought it out so well - how to get away with this evil 5hit for decades.

I think the government has screwed over other groups as well as black people like some of the other answerers have suggested. I think they did experiments on veterans with nuclear stuff. That doesn't mean that the Tuskeegee thing wasn't racist. Its not a contest to see who got screwed the worst.
Yes it is

For forty years between 1932 and 1972, the U.S. Public Health Service conducted an experiment on 399 black men in the late stages of syphilis. These men, for the most part illiterate sharecroppers from one of the poorest counties in Alabama, were never told what disease they were suffering from or of its seriousness. Informed that they were being treated for “bad blood,” their doctors had no intention of curing them of syphilis at all.

The data for the experiment was to be collected from autopsies of the men, and they were thus deliberately left to degenerate under the ravages of tertiary syphilis—which can include tumors, heart disease, paralysis, blindness, insanity, and death. “As I see it,” one of the doctors involved explained, “we have no further interest in these patients until they die.”

A few years ago, there were clinical trials for a heart medication for blacks, since heart disease runs rampant in the community. Needless to say, it didn't take off, partly due to wariness that this would turn into another Tuskegee experiement.
That's just the most WELL-known case. There were plenty of others.…
What they did was take 400 Black men with Syphilis. They were never told what had either.

The purpose was to study the long term untreated effect of the disease on the human body. Determined by autopsy of course.…

They did get free meals, medical exams? and burial insurance. Nice country huh?

And people talk about Obama. The crap about him is made up. The Tuskegee experiment was real.
Yes it was true. The Government also sterlized those it though mentally deficient in The 1930's at about the time The Nazis were doing that in Germany. The Goverment of Britain and Canada did the same thing or at least the attitude that this should be done was prevalent. There was even according to a National Film Board Video a case of the sterilization of a Native American when she was fourteen years old. This was done with out her knowledge and she was notwhat would have been thought deficient in any way. This was said to have been the policy of The Alberta Government in the 1970's . This may not be true but it is possible it did happen as said in the video.
What are you attempting to do here? Justify the racist behavior of Jeremiah and his followers? Tuskegee was a disgusting act on the part of our government. However, it occurred in the past. The racism of that clan of bigots in Chicago is unacceptable and happening today. That lying sack of crap from Illinois who you so proudly tout on your profile page is unfit to be the President of this great country. He's a despicable sleeze who makes Hillary look positively appealing when compared to his racist and nasty self.
Yes they did, and what a way for a jealous white man to go after black men, directly at their manhood, cowards.
Yes they did
Yes. And it is a horrible, horrible thing to have been done by government. It was criminal - people should have gone to prison for it. It was no different than the experiments done by Nazi Dr. Mengele. Completely inexcusable.
Yes,it is indeed true.A shameful thing in which we should be truly ashamed.

But i do believe not many knew about it and it was a Government secret.I wonder what other secret health projects were tried.

But people of all colors received Lobotomies when it was not necessary.Hitler learned that from us. Even JFK's father has his sister,who was only mildly retarded given a lobotomy

while her Mother was out of the country.

Very good Question Chi!!
Libsticker is correct. I don't believe it was simply a racial thing.

My father served in 'Nam and told me many stories about Agent Orange.

I also have friends who served in Desert Storm who came home with problems as a result of being exposed.

As for the HIV thing, I believe that this is a virus which

began in monkeys (chimpanzees?), and was spread

worldwide by homosexuality (nearly a decade, unchecked),

then spread to heterosexuality and intravenous drug usage, at which time it became an epidemic. The link from chimps to human? Well, I think you can figure that one out.
The experimented on us in Desert Shield and Desert Storm with Nerve agents too. They also experimented on Vietnam vets with Agent Orange. I think the only reference you can draw from this is our service men and women are guinea pigs for the government. At least those out at Los Alamos during the first Atomic Blast claim that.
Yes and yes. That was also the point Obama was making. He was not excusing anything merely recognizing why some people would say things like that like he recognized the pain of many white working class people wich the regressive right conviniently totally ignored

Those who didn't get that and continue with the racist innuendo against Obama are either foreign to the English language or the same people who called him a Muslim for months. Good question, good point
I have raised this point several times over the past two years. Those that refuse to accept that a Government and Peoples that are capable of doing this to their own citizens would hesitate to enact the 9/11 atrocities and release HIV on the Africa and those less desirable to this society, either live in the land of fairies, are extremely gullible to the point of denial or just plain foolish.

Self education is a must...... Then nothing, absolutely nothing is beyond the realms of possibility.

Good question well put.

For the doubters, please don't forget President Clinton apologized for this travesty. How long before we get the apologies for 9/11?
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